Dog Show App - Free and open for all users!

Since 2013 we have provided the Dog Show App FREE and OPEN to all users. During this time, we have worked on making the app useful and stable, so all of our users can benefit from using it.

The app was written and developed, and the server is hosted and paid for by ourselves. All of the show requests and new member sign-ups are done by ourselves, along with all of the show data being edited and uploaded to the app on a weekly basis. This is a LOT of work! Currently we have around 750 users from around the country.

It is now time to ask our users to consider donating some money towards the upkeep of this app. Our new policy that will begin in mid-summer, 2017 allows only those who donate to the app to save their schedule. everyone may still donwload and use the app (with their login), but your schedule will not be saved unless you are a paid user. Those users who have already donated (thank you very much!) will have their donation money applied to the new policy when it officially starts in mid-summer, 2017. If you have any questions, please e-mail


Please consider donating via PayPal - with your PayPal account or credit card. Donation prices are:

  • $5.00 for 6 months
  • $10.00 for a year

Click the button to donate:

We welcome your comments or suggestions! Please e-mail

Thank you for helping us create an efficient application for dog show handlers